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Subject: RE: DOCBOOK-APPS: XSL print StyleSheets
Norman Walsh writes: > You can get XT to use catalog files by using the classes distributed > by Arbortext. I don't have the URL handy, but it is/was linked from > my Standard Deviations from Norm column. Sebastian admits.... you forgot the "(if you understand Java and not just a user of XSL processors as a black box)" clause after the second word This from a man who is intimate with \tex, yet gets frit at the thought of using Java. What complex beings we are! Below please find the idiots guide to catalogs and java, dpawson version. If you are at home with this, please delete this email now. I posted the classpath bitty thing. Hint there. you need all those bits. xt and xp are from James C's site. Unzip only the .jar files, the rest is garbage to most of us. Stick 'em in /myjava for want of imagination. the actual catalog bits, see http://www.arbortext.com/Customer_Support/Updates_and_Technical_Notes/java_f orm.html (on one line). Fill in the form, download the bits, dump all but files catalog.jar and catalog-apps.jar. Put 'em in the same place as 'tother bits. Get jre (java run time environment) from sun. Try http://java.sun.com/j2se/index.html#jre1.1 But I'm lost here. Can anyone else help please? JDK 1.2 is Megabytes of junk. I think jre will 'do the job' with that little lot downloaded type in the following. Apologies to Sebastian, I can't think what the first second and third params to an executable are under Linux. Whatever, subst for %1 to 3. Usual order, xml file, xsl file and output file. Now, when Norm calls up his 'on line' version of docbook, it wont go on-line, cos the java does the magic an' it all works. jre -classpath /myjava/cat/catalog.jar;/myjava/cat/catalog-apps.jar;/myjava/xp.jar;/myjava/ xt.jar -Dxml.catalog.files=/sgml/catalogx -Dxml.catalog.debug=3 com.arbortext.xsl.sax.Driver %1 %2 %3 My catalog looks like PUBLIC "-//Norman Walsh//DTD DocBk XML V3.1.7//EN" "nw/docbookx/docbookx.dtd" thats it. Hardly seems worthwhile Sebastian, I agree. But it does stop us getting all het up about nowt. Hope that helps other non-java docbookers as well. regards, DaveP
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