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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: XSL print StyleSheets

Alex Lancaster writes:
 > >>>>> "MH" == Matthew Harrison <harry@inpharmatica.co.uk> writes:
 > The XML/SGML translation, for most cases, is pretty trivial IMHO.

 Do you mean converting from XML to SGML? Is this using jade, or manually?
 I did it manually and yes they're very close.

I was then having some funnies with jade (and nsgmls)

nsgmls -sv -c /home/victoria/martyn/devel/docbook/DocBook-4.0beta2/docbook.cat 'cm_plantest.sgml'

It was reporting that you couldn't have a literallayout directly in an entry
(the 3.1 docs say you can, although the 4.0 dtd looks like it doesn't..)
then it wouldn't let me put whitespace between the <entry> and <para> tags when
I wrapped the literallayout in a para.


nsgmls -sv /usr/lib/sgml/declaration/xml.dcl 'cm_plan.xml'
nsgmls:I: SP version "1.3.4"

gives me no problems (cm_plan.xml uses DocBook-4.0beta2-XML/docbookx.dtd)

>  The
 > bigger hurdle is whether or not to use XSL or DSSSL, since the DSSSL
 > support is more mature than XSL.  (You can use the DSSSL tooks for
 > XML, btw, in other words using XML does not necessarily imply you have
 > to use the XSL stylesheets).

But 1.54 DSSSL stylesheets don't recognise articleinfo...

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