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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: screenshots in PDF output

Nik Clayton wrote:
I spoke too soon.  I've done that, which lets met get PDF output with
pictures.  But then it breaks the PS output.
I got to this place as well. Rather than fight with it, I just open the pdf with acroread and print to a postscript file. This gets you postscript output identical to the pdf output and you don't have to maintain eps versions of your images. The only problem that I haven't figured out is that when I send color postscript to a color postscript laser printer, the printer print the text using color toner to simulate black toner (this turns out greyish brown). Anybody know a way to get pdfjadetex to specify that text should be printed with black toner? On a monochrome postscript printer, everything looks great, except, of course, the pictures are monochrome.

In short, if you tailor your stylesheet to produce pdf output, it's easy to get postscript from acroread. If you tailor your stylesheet to produce postscript, you can use ghostscript to build pdf, but all the hypertext gets lost. Of course, it should be possible to build separate pdf and postscript stylesheets, but then you have to maintain eps versions of all your images. For me, this just hasn't been worth the effort.

Kevin M. Dunn
Department of Chemistry
Hampden-Sydney College
HSC, VA 23943
(804) 223-6181
(804) 223-6374 (Fax)

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