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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Docbook Structuring Problems
I'm experimenting with Docbook, currently using jade and Norm's stylesheets. My interest is enterprise documentation systems, with html and print generation from sgml/xml sources. In the sort of application I'm considering source trees may be deep, with hundreds or thousands of files. The source subtree for a typical higher level component (Book, Article, Chapter etc) will be some way down the main tree, and the right place for a list defining its components will be at the head of this subtree. In general there will be multiple uses of some source subtrees in a single document, and multiple documents using some subtrees. Html chunk output should be tree structured, with meaningful and stable file names related to content. I can't currently see how to manage this inside the sgml system: As I understand it from 'The Definitive Guide', external general entities may be defined only in the DTD or in the single document type declaration. How can distributed entity definitions be realised? Perhaps only with a script? Can html tree output be achieved with the tools I'm using or other open source tools? Norm uses the ID attribute to provide a string for a user-defined html filename, but as neither '/' nor / are permitted in IDs this only generates a flat file space. Also, defining an ID results in an error if source files are re-used. Can anyone advise? John Storrs -- John Storrs, Laboratory for Micro Enterprise 125 Culham 1 Site, Culham, Abingdon OX14 3DA, UK tel/fax 01865 407085 email lme@storrs.demon.co.uk www http://www.i-way.co.uk/~storrs
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