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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Attibutes in DSSSL

(please point me to a correct list if this might be off-topic here)

I have two problems in rewriting the docbook stylesheets:

I try to copy the current-node 1:1 with a simple procedure
(here for empty-elements only):

(define (copy-empty)
                (make empty-element
                gi: (gi (current-node))
                attributes: (attributes (current-node))


I assume the problem is that attributes returns a list of nodes but
attributes: needs a list of list of strings. I don't know how to get the
key-value pairs out of the nodes.

2. Is there something like (element (name default) ...)
so that I can match all the children of name to a default handler like
it is done with (default ....) ?

Does anybody know solutions to these problems ? Sorry I'm a DSSSL
newbie.Thanks for your help,
Peter Schrammel               "We shall meet in the place
UniBw-Muenchen 106/2/116         where there is no darkness"
85579 Neubiberg                                        (1984)
ICQ: 5469131

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