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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Problem with tables,jadetex and ModularDSSSL Stylesheets >= 1.54

"Kenneth J. Hughes" wrote:
> Ian, your problem appears similar to the one I posted on 10/2/2000
> with the subject "DOCBOOK-APPS: footnotes in tables fail for -ttex
> only", appended below for ease of reference.  There I describe how
> adding a footnote to a cell caused a similar failure using an
> example from DocBook: The Definitive Guide.

Ha! Somebody has been busy over the last few months. jadetex has leapt
from 2.11 to 2.20. Not sure if this is an "official" release though -
not sure where things like this are announced?

Anyway, this seems to understand DisplayGroup and fixes the problem(s) -
the title font is back to normal. In addition, I've now got "bookmarks"
appearing in the PDF file, which I was stuggling with also. So I am
going to go to bed happy now.

[2.20 (http://www.tug.org/applications/jadetex IIRC) drops nicely into
the RPM from Redhat 7 with a small change to the SPEC file - and a
little patch to make "make install" put the .fmt files etc. into the
build root]

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