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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Custom dsssl driver with modular stylesheets

Lane Stevens wrote:
> The problem I'm trying to solve is to control the order of the address
> elements within the author of the titlepage of an article.
> It appears that the change that I need to make is in the (element address
> ...) within (mode set-titlepage-recto-mode ...).
> The question:  What is the recommended way to make this change?  Do I need
> to copy the entire mode to my custom driver file?  Is there a way to simply
> redefine just the element that I want to change?


(mode set-titlepage-recto-mode 
  (element address

should do the trick


Tom Riddle

Oracom, Inc.

Tel. +1 978.557.5710x305
Fax  +1 978.557.5716

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