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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Newbie: XSL and HTML-Transformation with XT
Hi All, right now I am using DocBook-XML and the XSL-Dirtibution from Norman Walsh. I am very happy that I've decided to work with DocBook and Everything is working fine except one thing: The first file of the HTML and HTML-Help output contains a corrupt namspace declaration for the HTML-Tag, even if I use the example xml-files distributed with the stylesheets (idxbook.xml). This is the first line of the output generated by XT tml xmlns:lxslt="http://xml.apache.org/xslt" xmlns:saxon="http://icl.com/saxon" xmlns:xalanredirect="org.apache.xalan.xslt.extensions.Redirect"><head> so the "<html" characters are missing! Obviously this error occurs only if I use the XT extensions for creating multiple files output. If I turn off this extensions for the HTML-Output (one single file as output), a correct <html> is generated!! Does anybody knows what I am doing wrong here? Is this a bug in XT or does it also appear on other XSLT engines. Since I have to generate HTML-Help I need to stay with XT, so please help me if you can! Thank you very much, Ali. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PIRONET NDH Dipl.-Ing. Ali Saffari - Junior Consultant - SBU Software Josef-Lammerting-Allee 14-18 - 50933 Cologne - Germany Tel.: +49 (0)221 770-1853 - Fax: +49 (0)221 770-1005 mailto:asaffari@pironet.com - http://www.pironet.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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