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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Images and pdf again
camille@mandrakesoft.com writes: > first of all, resizing of images does not work. Using that: > <imagedata fileref="image.gif" format="gif" width="3in" > scalefit="1"> has strictly no effect on the rendered size of the > image. > > Secondly, I've read that one may use the epdf format, but which > format="" option should I use? The list of supported formats does > not include EPDF. > > My problem is that I have high res images for which I don't want to > perform a resizing, just change the resolution as in EPS files for > postscript output. What we do, is using PNG files for graphics. PNG supports setting resolution and jadetex produces PDF nicely with it. But you need a tool that handles PNG resolution (like GhostScript >= 5.50). So we pre-prepare the graphics before using jade. The bad thing is that you cannot specify within the SGML-document your resolution. For structured vector graphics, we use the epstopdf tool, which produces encapsulated PDF. We use plain PDF notation for this. Hope this helps, -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thomas André Berger Open Systems Computing AS email: thomasbe@osc.no Kongensgt. 9, N-0153 Oslo, Norway phone: +47 2331 4758 phone +47 2220 4050, fax +47 22 20 02 85 --------------------http://www.osc.no/------------------------------------
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