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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Images and pdf again

camille@mandrakesoft.com writes:

> first of all, resizing of images does not work. Using that:
> <imagedata fileref="image.gif" format="gif" width="3in"
> scalefit="1"> has strictly no effect on the rendered size of the
> image.
> Secondly, I've read that one may use the epdf format, but which
> format="" option should I use? The list of supported formats does
> not include EPDF.
> My problem is that I have high res images for which I don't want to
> perform a resizing, just change the resolution as in EPS files for
> postscript output.

What we do, is using PNG files for graphics.  PNG supports setting
resolution and jadetex produces PDF nicely with it.  But you need a
tool that handles PNG resolution (like GhostScript >= 5.50).  So we
pre-prepare the graphics before using jade.  The bad thing is that you
cannot specify within the SGML-document your resolution.

For structured vector graphics, we use the epstopdf tool, which
produces encapsulated PDF.  We use plain PDF notation for this.

Hope this helps,
 Thomas André Berger               Open Systems Computing AS
 email: thomasbe@osc.no            Kongensgt. 9, N-0153 Oslo, Norway
 phone: +47 2331 4758		   phone +47 2220 4050, fax +47 22 20 02 85

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