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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: a bug in ver .1.22 and 1.23 XSL stylesheets

Hello Norman

after mailing you i realised this bug of missing nav header and footer with
chunking is there in even ver 1.22 also . by mistake i had not changed the path
on my command line which was using the older stylesheet so i was under the
impression i was using the ver 1.22 but infact it was 1.20
can someone on this list confirm this atleast netscape doesn't display the
nav header and footer couldn,t check it with IE ( no windoze machine hand for
the moment) i tried switching to saxon from xt but same results
but with ver 1.20 it is working fine 

have fun but do take care
             To tread the sharp edge of a sword                 To run on
smooth-frozen ice,                 One needs no footsteps to follow.
                Walk over the cliffs with hands free.


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