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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Another website.dtd experience!
/ madhu <bmadi_1@yahoo.com> was heard to say: | > no way to merge the two together. I'm starting to lose interest in | > continued support of XT.) | | how sad ;-( , only xt seems to work properly with your stylesheets | till today. I'm not sure I understand. Are you saying "only xt works" or "xt has worked until today"? In the former case, Saxon certainly works, and very recent Xalan's do, too. In the latter, I won't abandon support for XT yet, only when it becomes a real burden. | Well not exactly! xtchunk.xsl has apparently some bugs the Book title page | doesn't get properly formed (HTML output) . In my case only the bridgehead | element is displayed and no table of contents, no title, no subtitle, no | author, editor no mediaobject, no legalnotice. everthing seems to have vanished | into thin air ;-( . this is with XSL ver 1.24. Blast! Send me a test case, please. I wonder what I've broken. (I really considered making 1.24 an experimental release. I guess I shoulda.) Be seeing you, norm -- Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | The Future is something which http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | everyone reaches at the rate of Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | sixty minutes an hour, whatever he | does, whoever he is.--C. S. Lewis
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