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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Another website.dtd experience!

madhu wrote:
> Hi,
> but interestingly saxon with xp as the default parser seems to output properly
> using chunk.xsl(ver1.24 XSL). And if i switch to xerces as the parser for saxon,
> same old problem of  no ID constraint for linkend error

Since I had also my problems with XT, I've took a look at this 
combination (Saxon 5.5.1 + XP) and updated my stylesheets to 1.24. 
Did you ever generated HTMLHelp?!! Well the to.hcc, wich should 
looks like some dirty MS-HTML looks now like this

<OBJECT type="text/site properties">
	<param name="ImageType" value="Folder">
<LI> <OBJECT type="text/sitemap">
    <param name="Name" value="pirobase®">
    <param name="Local" value="index.html">

So you get this message from the MS-Helpcompiler

HHC6000: Error: An internal file could not be created. Make 
certain there is enough disk space on the drive where you are 
compiling your file.
HHC5007: Error: Fatal navigational compilation error. This is 
likely the result of an invalid contents (.hhc) file.

The file should look like this

<OBJECT type="text/site properties">
	<param name="ImageType" value="Folder">
<LI> <OBJECT type="text/sitemap">
    <param name="Name" value="pirobase®">
    <param name="Local" value="index.html">
  </OBJECT><UL><LI> <OBJECT type="text/sitemap">

This seems to me like a Bug/Feature of SAXON. You
got the same result with SAXAON + Xerces!! The 
HTMLHelp-output still works the same way it did with
XT. I am not sure, but I think there is also a 
problem with the generated indexterms. Anybody
an idea?

BTW: Does amybody know why I got this error if
I use the build-in parser of SAXON?

Fatal error reported by XML parser: bad continuation 
of multi-byte UTF-8 sequence (character code: 0x63)
  URL:    file:/C:/development/PB4 User Documentation/src
  Line:   -1
  Column: 3570
Transform failed:  bad continuation of multi-byte 
UTF-8 sequence (character code: 0x63)



Dipl.-Ing. Ali Saffari - Junior Consultant - SBU Software
Josef-Lammerting-Allee 14-18 - 50933 Cologne - Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)221 770-1853 - Fax: +49 (0)221 770-1005
mailto:asaffari@pironet.com - http://www.pironet.com

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