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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Docbook XML 4.1.2 parse problem
Hi, I am trying out Norman Walsh's XSL style sheets for docbook but am having some problems with Xalan 1.2. I'm not sure which Xerces comes with xalan 1.2. xslt.sh tbook.xml mystyle.xsl ========= Parsing file:/home/maxwell/book/mystyle.xsl ========== Parse of file:/home/maxwell/book/mystyle.xsl took 62148 milliseconds ========= Parsing file:/home/maxwell/book/tbook.xml ========== http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.0/docbookx.dtd; Line 66; Column 9 XSL Error: Could not parse file:/home/maxwell/book/tbook.xml document! XSLT: Recursive reference "%dbnotn;". (Reference path: (top-level)-%dbhier;-%dbnotn;-%dbnotn;) Xalan: was not successful. XSLProcessor: done xslt.sh is just a simple script to call the xalan processor. tbook.xml is a very simple file which validates with nsgmls and uses the 4.1.2 version of docbook. The mystyle.xsl is the wrapper that calls the docbook/xhtml/docbook.xsl style sheet. Does this look familiar to anyone? Thanks for any help, Eric MilagroSoft Inc.
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