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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Images and pdf again
camille@mandrakesoft.com writes: > Thanks for your help, though I have not been able to get proper > output yet: [...] > Using this method actually roduces the right size, but images do not get > their density changed, the resolution only changes, which obviously > gives ugly output. I use > convert -density 50 image.eps image.png I have tried to use the ImageMagic tool myself, but I was not able to get the right combination of options to the convert program. So, what I do is convert images (GIF or PNG) to eps, by using convert. Then I use a epstopng perl-script, which is based on the epstopdf script made by Sebastian Rahtz, et al. This writes the PNG files in the correct resolution. > > For structured vector graphics, we use the epstopdf tool, which > > produces encapsulated PDF. We use plain PDF notation for this. > > Sigh. > I get distortionned images and bad colors. > EPSTOPDF 2.5, 1999/05/06 > GNU Ghostscript 5.50 (2000-2-13) Strange. Can you send me the eps you try to convert. I'll try and see what happends here at our tool-chain. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thomas André Berger Open Systems Computing AS email: thomasbe@osc.no Kongensgt. 9, N-0153 Oslo, Norway phone: +47 2331 4758 phone +47 2220 4050, fax +47 22 20 02 85 --------------------http://www.osc.no/------------------------------------
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