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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: [newbie] change a template or add one

> From: Frederic Alluin <frederic.alluin@webmedia.es>
> <html><head></head><body>Hi everybody,<br>
> I want change the html result of a tag (to have one a little bit fun :-)
> ). So my first tempt was see the docbook.xsl and every other one (glurp!!
> ....). I don't find the tag so I've made a new xsl file with a simple template
> for my tag, and I imported it in docbook.xsl...... But doesn't work =(<br>
> So my two questions are:<br>
> How can I change a template for a tag defined ??<br>
> How can I add a new stylesheet to docbook.xsl ??<br>
> <br>

I wrote some documentation on customizing the Docbook XSL
stylesheets.  It is available at:


Let me know if it doesn't meet your needs.


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