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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Docbook stylesheets with Saxon

At 05:03 PM 11/16/00, Norman Walsh wrote:
>/ Dave Pawson <daveP@dpawson.freeserve.co.uk> was heard to say:
>| Has anyone combined using Norm's catalog java 'stuff' with
>| Saxon (or anything else other than XT?)
>| If its not possible, does anyone know how these two beasts might
>| be combined?
>Try this:
>Saxon has a ParserManager.properties file. In that file, change the
>defaultParser line to read:
>and add

Yep. Tried that :-)
Cmd now reads:

java -classpath /myjava/cat/catalog.jar;/myjava/cat/catalog-apps.jar;/myjava/saxon/saxon.jar;/myjava/sax.jar;/myjava/xp.jar;/myjava/xt.jar;/myjava/saxon/  -Dxml.catalog.files=/sgml/catalogx -Dxml.catalog.debug=3   com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet -o op.xml file.xml stylesheet.xsl

Mike Kay's documentation says, to get hold of ParserManager.properties
it must be in the classpath.

Being different to jar files, I just tacked it on to the end of the -cp
option as above. Unsure if this is right.
I'm now getting following errors.

Only other change I made was to add arbortext to the list 'parserPath'

Error received is:

Failed to compile style sheet
Class com.arbortext.xsl.sax.Driver is neither a SAX1 Parser nor a SAX2 XMLReader

Is it Norm? Or is my java not even up to running this!

Regards DaveP

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