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Subject: RE: DOCBOOK-APPS: OpenJade/DocBook XML/DSO Stylesheets: iso entit ies
Thanks for Norman, and Phillip for their help.
here is what I did:
1- extracted the ent files that came with docbook into c:\tools\docbook\sgml_ent directory.
2- extracted the files you mentioned in your previous email into the c:\tools\docbook\jade_ent directory.
3- renamed the files as iso-*.ent, so that they will have the same names as the once in the sgml_ent directory.
4- created the c:\tools\docbook\ent directory.
5- did not change my c:\tools\docbook\docbook.cat or catalog file.
when I run jade or nsgmls, I just copy the files from the proper directory to the ent directory and run the command.
here are my two bach files:
Set SGML_CATALOG_FILES=c:\tools\jade\xml.soc;c:\tools\main_catalog
copy c:\tools\docbook\sgml_ent\*.ent c:\tools\docbook\ent
\tools\jade\nsgmls -sv -wxml test.xml
Set SGML_CATALOG_FILES=c:/tools/main_catalog
copy c:\tools\docbook\jade_ent\*.ent c:\tools\docbook\ent
\tools\jade\jade.exe -t rtf -d c:\tools\dsssl\docbook\print\docbook.dsl \tools\jade\xml.dcl test.xml
my main_catalog file contains:
CATALOG c:\tools\jade\catalog
CATALOG c:\tools\docbook\catalog
This setup, actually suppress all the error/warnings I was getting from jade and then from nsgmls.
Please let me know if you have any comments.
-----Original Message-----
From: Norman Walsh [mailto:ndw@nwalsh.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2000 1:52 PM
To: docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: OpenJade/DocBook XML/DSO Stylesheets: iso
entit ies
/ Khalid Khidhir <kkhidhir@nortelnetworks.com> was heard to say:
| SGML_CATALOG_FILES=c:\tools\jade\xml.soc;c:\tools\docbook\catalog;c:\tools\d
| sssl\docbook\catalog
| \tools\jade\nsgmls -sv -wxml test.xml
There's no *way* sgmls is going to swallow the ISO entity sets.
But *Jade* will because jade parses the stylesheets as *SGML* and
your document as *XML* (if you use the XML decl).
Be seeing you,
Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | A man can believe a considerable
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | deal of rubbish, and yet go about
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | his daily work in a rational and
| cheerful manner.--Norman Douglas
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