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docbook-apps message

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Subject: xml.soc/xml.dcl (was: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: OpenJade/DocBook XML/DSO Stylesheets: iso entities)

On 23 Nov, Khalid Khidhir wrote:
> Thanks for Norman, and Phillip for their help.
Also from my side! OpenJade is working now without warning/error
messages when I include the xml.dcl file on command line before the xml

> Set SGML_CATALOG_FILES=c:\tools\jade\xml.soc;c:\tools\main_catalog
If I include the xml.soc in my catalog, openjade doesn´t load the
xml.dcl file while parsing my .xml files.
I want to use epcEdit (http://www.tksgml.de) which is a SP and Tcl/Tk
based tool with my xml-files. It also doesn´t load the xml.dcl file and
gives me those "not a function name"-warnings while parsing the
entities. Is there an other way how I can include the xml.dcl file??
Doesn´t OpenSP or SP support the SGMLDECL´s ??

Jan Blunck                          Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg
J.Blunck@tu-harburg.de                 http://www.tu-harburg.de/~sejb3103/

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