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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Transforming DocBook/XML with jade on Win32
Hi Together! I had the same problem and obviously many others two. Here is a really good answer from Laurent. It works well on my system. Is there any page with FAQ's about DocBook processing with XSL- and DSSSL-Stylesheets? Maybe this should go into there? If there is isn't any FAQ-Page, I would offer to do one and publish it on my homepage. Everyone is free to send me any FAQ he/she want's (maybe directly encoded in DocBook). BTW: I coudn't find any search formular for the Mailing-List-Archives on the Oasis-Open page. Is there any possibilty to search them or do I have to read all of them and look for what I am searching for. Ciao, Ali. -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: XSL for RTF or Word!! Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 09:18:16 +0100 From: Laurent Pointal <pointal@lure.u-psud.fr> To: Ali Saffari <asaffari@pironet.com> References: <3A167916.963AEBFB@pironet.com> <3A16A7C8.8050703@kosek.cz> At 18:24 18/11/2000 +0100, you wrote: >Hi! > > > AFAIK for XSL not. But you can use DSSSL stylesheets for DocBook also > > with XML documents. DSSSL stylesheets are available at > > http://www.nwalsh.com and you will also need DSSSL processor jade > > available at http://www.jclark.com. > > > >I've followed the intruction in xml.htm for using jade like this xml.htm give informations which are not all right, by example you should not use -wxml for producing outputs (maybe only for validating with nsgmls). >But I still get a lot of error messages like this: > >.. >jade.exe:..\..\src\../docBook/ent/iso-amso.ent:21:15:E: "X24C8" is not a >function name >jade.exe:..\..\src\../docBook/ent/iso-amso.ent:22:19:E: "X210F" is not a >function name I write errors to a file, I get same errors as you, but the output is good. Here my reply in discussion "DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: docbook, dsssl, and jade installation", I describe my full installation, which works correctly (except the indicated errors but they have no effect for me). ======================================================================= Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 09:39:45 +0100 From: Laurent Pointal <pointal@lure.u-psud.fr> Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: docbook, dsssl, and jade installation In-reply-to: <6DDA62170439D31185750000F80826AC0459936D@zmerd004.ca.norte l.com> X-Sender: pointal@pop21.lure.u-psud.fr To: Khalid Khidhir <kkhidhir@nortelnetworks.com>, docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org Message-ID: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Pro Version Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: BINARY List-Owner: <mailto:docbook-apps-help@lists.oasis-open.org> List-Post: <mailto:docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org> List-Subscribe: <mailto:docbook-apps-request@lists.oasis-open.org?body=subscribe> List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:docbook-apps-request@lists.oasis-open.org?body=unsubscribe> List-Archive: <http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-apps> List-Help: <http://lists.oasis-open.org/doc/email-manage.html>, <mailto:docbook-apps-request@lists.oasis-open.org?body=help> X-MX-Comment: QUOTED-PRINTABLE message automatically decoded At 16:54 10/11/2000 -0500, you wrote: >Hi, >I am having some problem installing jade, dssl and docbook, I would like >to know if >anyone who has these installed correctly, can send me the contents of the >catalog files and what the environment variables contain, >I want to compare them to what I have and may be figure out what I am doing >wrong. >Thanks >Khalid Under Windows NT 4 (but this may not influence global configuration): DocBook XML 4.1.2 DocBook DSSSL 1.5.8 (with dbl1zhcn.ent, dbl1zhcn.dsl and dbl1hu.ent modified by N.Walsh, which will be part of 1.5.9 - sent separately of the list post). Jade for Window 1.2.1 Currently I type all my XML files with Unicode-UTF8 encoding (SC Unipad on Windows NT, nice for Unicode). My environment variables are: SGML_CATALOG_FILES=o:\tools\doctools\catalogs.txt SP_CHARSET_FIXED=YES SP_ENCODING=xml (note: I tried SP_ENCODING=XML (uppercase) and it gives me few problems with HTML output, where automatically generated strings (bottom of page with "Next"/"Previous" in french "Suivant"/"Précédent" has diacritics in ISO encoding while my text has diacritics in UTF8 encoding). After a long email exchange with Norman Walsh, my catalog file finally only contain: CATALOG "o:\tools\doctools\jade\catalog" CATALOG "o:\tools\doctools\docbook\docbook.cat" (I put them into a text file and make this text file my catalog file - this allow to easily change catalog without having to change SGML_CATALOG_FILES environnement variable when doing tests). I have defined two batch files to call jade with the right options, docrtf.bat: << @echo Generation du .rtf a partir du .xml (DTD DocBook) et avec jade jade -t rtf -f error.log -d O:\tools\doctools\DocBookDSSSL\print\docbook.dsl O:\tools\doctools\DocBookDSSSL\dtds\decls\xml.dcl %1 >> And dochtml.bat: << @echo Generation du .html a partir du .xml (DTD DocBook) et avec jade jade -t sgml -f error.log -i html -d O:\tools\doctools\DocBookDSSSL\html\docbook.dsl O:\tools\doctools\DocBookDSSSL\dtds\decls\xml.dcl %1 >> Finally, the last unresolved problem (but which has no effect for me as I use UTF8 encoding characters, the output is good) is a list of errors like: jade:o:\tools\doctools\docbook\ent/iso-lat1.ent:6:19:E: "X00E1" is not a function name jade:o:\tools\doctools\docbook\ent/iso-lat1.ent:7:19:E: "X00C1" is not a function name jade:o:\tools\doctools\docbook\ent/iso-lat1.ent:8:18:E: "X00E2" is not a function name jade:o:\tools\doctools\docbook\ent/iso-lat1.ent:9:18:E: "X00C2" is not a function name jade:o:\tools\doctools\docbook\ent/iso-lat1.ent:10:19:E: "X00E0" is not a function name jade:o:\tools\doctools\docbook\ent/iso-lat1.ent:11:19:E: "X00C0" is not a function name jade:o:\tools\doctools\docbook\ent/iso-lat1.ent:12:18:E: "X00E5" is not a function name jade:o:\tools\doctools\docbook\ent/iso-lat1.ent:13:18:E: "X00C5" is not a function name jade:o:\tools\doctools\docbook\ent/iso-lat1.ent:14:19:E: "X00E3" is not a function name .. Hope this help. A+ Laurent. --- Laurent POINTAL - CNRS/LURE - Service Informatique Experiences Tel/fax: 01 64 46 82 80 / 01 64 46 41 48 email : pointal@lure.u-psud.fr ou lpointal@planete.net ======================================================================= A+ Laurent.
<!ENTITY Abstract "Kivonat"> <!ENTITY Answer "V:"> <!ENTITY Appendix "F\latin-small-letter-u-with-double-acute;ggel\latin-small-letter-e-with-acute;k"> <!ENTITY Article "Cikk"> <!ENTITY Bibliography "Irodalomjegyzék"> <!ENTITY Book "K\latin-small-letter-o-with-double-acute;nyv"> <!ENTITY CAUTION "FIGYELEM"> <!ENTITY Caution "Figyelem"> <!ENTITY Chapter "Fejezet"> <!ENTITY Colophon "V\latin-small-letter-e-with-acute;gsz\latin-small-letter-o-with-acute;"> <!ENTITY Copyright "Védjegy"> <!ENTITY Dedication "Aj\latin-small-letter-a-with-acute;nl\latin-small-letter-a-with-acute;s"> <!ENTITY Edition "Kiad\latin-small-letter-a-with-acute;s"> <!ENTITY Equation "Egyenlet"> <!ENTITY Example "P\latin-small-letter-e-with-acute;lda"> <!ENTITY Figure "\latin-capital-letter-a-with-acute;bra"> <!ENTITY GlossSee "L\latin-small-letter-a-with-acute;sd"> <!ENTITY GlossSeeAlso "L\latin-small-letter-a-with-acute;sd m\latin-small-letter-e-with-acute;g"> <!ENTITY Glossary "Sz\latin-small-letter-o-with-acute;jegyz\latin-small-letter-e-with-acute;k"> <!ENTITY IMPORTANT "FONTOS"> <!ENTITY ISBN "ISBN"> <!ENTITY Important "Fontos"> <!ENTITY Index "Tárgymutató"> <!ENTITY LegalNotice "Jogi közlemény"> <!ENTITY MsgAud "C\latin-small-letter-e-with-acute;lk\latin-small-letter-o-with-double-acute;z\latin-small-letter-o-with-double-acute;ns\latin-small-letter-e-with-acute;g"> <!ENTITY MsgLevel "Szint"> <!ENTITY MsgOrig "Eredet"> <!ENTITY NOTE "MEGJEGY\latin-capital-letter-e-with-acute;S"> <!ENTITY Note "Megjegyz\latin-small-letter-e-with-acute;s"> <!ENTITY Part "R\latin-small-letter-e-with-acute;sz"> <!ENTITY Preface "El\latin-small-letter-o-with-double-acute;sz\latin-small-letter-o-with-acute;"> <!ENTITY Procedure "Eljárás"> <!ENTITY Published "Megjelent"> <!ENTITY Question "K:"> <!ENTITY RefEntry ""> <!ENTITY RefName "N\latin-small-letter-e-with-acute;v"> <!ENTITY Reference "Referencia"> <!ENTITY RefSection ""> <!ENTITY RefSynopsisDiv "\latin-capital-letter-a-with-acute;ttekint\latin-small-letter-e-with-acute;s"> <!ENTITY Revision "Verzi\latin-small-letter-o-with-acute;"> <!ENTITY RevHistory "Verzi\latin-small-letter-o-with-acute;k t\latin-small-letter-o-with-double-acute;rt\latin-small-letter-e-with-acute;nete"> <!ENTITY Section "Szakasz"> <!ENTITY See "L\latin-small-letter-a-with-acute;sd"> <!ENTITY SeeAlso "L\latin-small-letter-a-with-acute;sd m\latin-small-letter-e-with-acute;g"> <!ENTITY Set "Set"> <!-- en --> <!ENTITY SetIndex "Set Index"> <!-- en --> <!ENTITY Sidebar ""> <!ENTITY Step "L\latin-small-letter-e-with-acute;p\latin-small-letter-e-with-acute;s"> <!ENTITY TIP "TIPP"> <!ENTITY Table "T\latin-small-letter-a-with-acute;bl\latin-small-letter-a-with-acute;zat"> <!ENTITY Tip "Tipp"> <!ENTITY WARNING "FIGYELEM"> <!ENTITY Warning "Figyelem"> <!ENTITY appendix "f\latin-small-letter-u-with-double-acute;ggel\latin-small-letter-e-with-acute;k"> <!ENTITY chapter "fejezet"> <!ENTITY section "kohta"> <!ENTITY sidebar "széljegyzet"> <!ENTITY step "l\latin-small-letter-e-with-acute;p\latin-small-letter-e-with-acute;s"> <!ENTITY Seealso "L\latin-small-letter-a-with-acute;sd m\latin-small-letter-e-with-acute;g"> <!ENTITY TableofContents "Tartalom"> <!ENTITY in ""> <!ENTITY by ""> <!ENTITY Edited "Szerk."> <!ENTITY Editedby "Szerkesztette"> <!ENTITY and "\latin-small-letter-e-with-acute;s"> <!ENTITY Notes "Megjegyz\latin-small-letter-e-with-acute;sek"> <!ENTITY TableNotes "Megjegyz\latin-small-letter-e-with-acute;sek"> <!ENTITY nonexistantelement "nem létezõ elem"> <!ENTITY Pgs "Lsz."> <!ENTITY unsupported "nem támogatott"> <!ENTITY xrefto "keresztref:"> <!ENTITY unexpectedelementname "Nem várt elemnév"> <!ENTITY Revisedby "Megvizsgálva: "> <!ENTITY ListofTables "T\latin-small-letter-a-with-acute;bl\latin-small-letter-a-with-acute;zatok list\latin-small-letter-a-with-acute;ja"> <!ENTITY ListofExamples "P\latin-small-letter-e-with-acute;ld\latin-small-letter-a-with-acute;k list\latin-small-letter-a-with-acute;ja"> <!ENTITY ListofFigures "\latin-capital-letter-a-with-acute;br\latin-small-letter-a-with-acute;k list\latin-small-letter-a-with-acute;ja"> <!ENTITY ListofEquations "Egyenletek list\latin-small-letter-a-with-acute;ja"> <!ENTITY ListofUnknown "Egy\latin-small-letter-e-with-acute;b elemek list\latin-small-letter-a-with-acute;ja"> <!ENTITY nav-prev "Vissza"> <!ENTITY nav-prev-sibling "Gyors vissza"> <!ENTITY nav-next-sibling "Gyors Tov\latin-small-letter-a-with-acute;bb"> <!ENTITY nav-next "Tov\latin-small-letter-a-with-acute;bb"> <!ENTITY nav-up "Fel"> <!ENTITY nav-home "Tartalom">
<!DOCTYPE style-sheet PUBLIC "-//James Clark//DTD DSSSL Style Sheet//EN" [ <!ENTITY % zhcn.words PUBLIC "-//Norman Walsh//ENTITIES DocBook Stylesheet Localization//ZHCN" "dbl1zhcn.ent"> %zhcn.words; ]> <style-sheet> <style-specification id="docbook-l10n-zhcn"> <style-specification-body> ;; $Id: dbl1zhcn.dsl,v 1.2 2000/09/28 12:47:03 ndw Exp $ ;; ;; This file is part of the Modular DocBook Stylesheet distribution. ;; See ../README or http://nwalsh.com/docbook/dsssl/ ;; ;; ----------------------------- Localization ----------------------------- ;; If you create a new version of this file, please send it to ;; Norman Walsh, ndw@nwalsh.com ;; The generated text for cross references to elements. See dblink.dsl ;; for a discussion of how substitution is performed on the %x ;; keywords. ;; ;; Contributors: ;; Frederik Fouvry ;; (define (zhcn-xref-strings) (list (list (normalize "appendix") (if %chapter-autolabel% "&Appendix; %n" "the &appendix; called %t")) (list (normalize "article") (string-append %gentext-zhcn-start-quote% "%t" %gentext-zhcn-end-quote%)) (list (normalize "bibliography") "%t") (list (normalize "book") "%t") (list (normalize "chapter") (if %chapter-autolabel% "µÚ %n &Chapter;" "the &chapter; called %t")) (list (normalize "equation") "&Equation; %n") (list (normalize "example") "&Example; %n") (list (normalize "figure") "&Figure; %n") (list (normalize "glossary") "%t") (list (normalize "index") "%t") (list (normalize "listitem") "%n") (list (normalize "part") "µÚ %n &Part;") (list (normalize "preface") "%t") (list (normalize "procedure") "&Procedure; %n, %t") (list (normalize "reference") "&Reference; %n, %t") (list (normalize "section") (if %section-autolabel% "µÚ %n §ion;" "the §ion; called %t")) (list (normalize "sect1") (if %section-autolabel% "µÚ %n §ion;" "the §ion; called %t")) (list (normalize "sect2") (if %section-autolabel% "µÚ %n §ion;" "the §ion; called %t")) (list (normalize "sect3") (if %section-autolabel% "µÚ %n §ion;" "the §ion; called %t")) (list (normalize "sect4") (if %section-autolabel% "µÚ %n §ion;" "the §ion; called %t")) (list (normalize "sect5") (if %section-autolabel% "µÚ %n §ion;" "the §ion; called %t")) (list (normalize "simplesect") (if %section-autolabel% "µÚ %n §ion;" "the §ion; called %t")) (list (normalize "sidebar") "&sidebar; %t") (list (normalize "step") "&step; %n") (list (normalize "table") "&Table; %n"))) (define (gentext-zhcn-xref-strings gind) (let* ((giname (if (string? gind) gind (gi gind))) (name (normalize giname)) (xref (assoc name (zhcn-xref-strings)))) (if xref (car (cdr xref)) (let* ((msg (string-append "[&xrefto; " (if giname giname "&nonexistantelement;") " &unsupported;]")) (err (node-list-error msg (current-node)))) msg)))) (define (zhcn-auto-xref-indirect-connector before) ;; In English, the (cond) is unnecessary since the word is always the ;; same, but in other languages, that's not the case. I've set this ;; one up with the (cond) so it stands as an example. (cond ((equal? (gi before) (normalize "book")) (literal " ∈ ")) ((equal? (gi before) (normalize "chapter")) (literal " ∈ ")) ((equal? (gi before) (normalize "sect1")) (literal " ∈ ")) (else (literal " ∈ ")))) ;; Should the TOC come first or last? ;; (define %generate-zhcn-toc-in-front% #t) ;; gentext-element-name returns the generated text that should be ;; used to make reference to the selected element. ;; (define (zhcn-element-name) (list (list (normalize "abstract") "&Abstract;") (list (normalize "answer") "&Answer;") (list (normalize "appendix") "&Appendix;") (list (normalize "article") "&Article;") (list (normalize "bibliography") "&Bibliography;") (list (normalize "book") "&Book;") (list (normalize "calloutlist") "") (list (normalize "caution") "&Caution;") (list (normalize "chapter") "&Chapter;") (list (normalize "copyright") "&Copyright;") (list (normalize "dedication") "&Dedication;") (list (normalize "edition") "&Edition;") (list (normalize "equation") "&Equation;") (list (normalize "example") "&Example;") (list (normalize "figure") "&Figure;") (list (normalize "glossary") "&Glossary;") (list (normalize "glosssee") "&GlossSee;") (list (normalize "glossseealso") "&GlossSeeAlso;") (list (normalize "important") "&Important;") (list (normalize "index") "&Index;") (list (normalize "colophon") "&Colophon;") (list (normalize "setindex") "&SetIndex;") (list (normalize "isbn") "&ISBN;") (list (normalize "legalnotice") "&LegalNotice;") (list (normalize "msgaud") "&MsgAud;") (list (normalize "msglevel") "&MsgLevel;") (list (normalize "msgorig") "&MsgOrig;") (list (normalize "note") "&Note;") (list (normalize "part") "&Part;") (list (normalize "preface") "&Preface;") (list (normalize "procedure") "&Procedure;") (list (normalize "pubdate") "&Published;") (list (normalize "question") "&Question;") (list (normalize "refentry") "&RefEntry;") (list (normalize "reference") "&Reference;") (list (normalize "refname") "&RefName;") (list (normalize "revhistory") "&RevHistory;") (list (normalize "refsect1") "&RefSection;") (list (normalize "refsect2") "&RefSection;") (list (normalize "refsect3") "&RefSection;") (list (normalize "refsynopsisdiv") "&RefSynopsisDiv;") (list (normalize "revision") "&Revision;") (list (normalize "sect1") "&Section;") (list (normalize "sect2") "&Section;") (list (normalize "sect3") "&Section;") (list (normalize "sect4") "&Section;") (list (normalize "sect5") "&Section;") (list (normalize "section") "&Section;") (list (normalize "simplesect") "&Section;") (list (normalize "seeie") "&See;") (list (normalize "seealsoie") "&Seealso;") (list (normalize "set") "&Set;") (list (normalize "sidebar") "&Sidebar;") (list (normalize "step") "&step;") (list (normalize "table") "&Table;") (list (normalize "tip") "&Tip;") (list (normalize "toc") "&TableofContents;") (list (normalize "warning") "&Warning;") )) (define (gentext-zhcn-element-name gind) (let* ((giname (if (string? gind) gind (gi gind))) (name (normalize giname)) (pname (assoc name (zhcn-element-name)))) (if pname (car (cdr pname)) (let* ((msg (string-append "gentext-zhcn-element-name: &unexpectedelementname;: " name)) (err (node-list-error msg (current-node)))) msg)))) ;; gentext-element-name-space returns gentext-element-name with a ;; trailing space, if gentext-element-name isn't "". ;; (define (gentext-zhcn-element-name-space giname) (string-with-space (gentext-element-name giname))) ;; gentext-intra-label-sep returns the seperator to be inserted ;; between multiple occurances of a label (or parts of a label) ;; for the specified element. Most of these are for enumerated ;; labels like "Figure 2-4", but this function is used elsewhere ;; (e.g. REFNAME) with a little abuse. ;; (define (zhcn-intra-label-sep) (list (list (normalize "equation") "-") (list (normalize "informalequation") "-") (list (normalize "example") "-") (list (normalize "figure") "-") (list (normalize "listitem") ".") (list (normalize "procedure") ".") (list (normalize "refentry") ".") (list (normalize "reference") ".") (list (normalize "refname") ", ") (list (normalize "refsect1") ".") (list (normalize "refsect2") ".") (list (normalize "refsect3") ".") (list (normalize "sect1") ".") (list (normalize "sect2") ".") (list (normalize "sect3") ".") (list (normalize "sect4") ".") (list (normalize "sect5") ".") (list (normalize "section") ".") (list (normalize "simplesect") ".") (list (normalize "step") ".") (list (normalize "table") "-") (list (normalize "_pagenumber") "-") )) (define (gentext-zhcn-intra-label-sep gind) (let* ((giname (if (string? gind) gind (gi gind))) (name (normalize giname)) (sep (assoc name (zhcn-intra-label-sep)))) (if sep (car (cdr sep)) ""))) ;; gentext-label-title-sep returns the seperator to be inserted ;; between a label and the text following the label for the ;; specified element. Most of these are for use between ;; enumerated labels and titles like "1. Chapter One Title", but ;; this function is used elsewhere (e.g. NOTE) with a little ;; abuse. ;; (define (zhcn-label-title-sep) (list (list (normalize "abstract") ": ") (list (normalize "answer") " ") (list (normalize "appendix") ". ") (list (normalize "caution") "") (list (normalize "chapter") ". ") (list (normalize "equation") ". ") (list (normalize "example") ". ") (list (normalize "figure") ". ") (list (normalize "footnote") ". ") (list (normalize "glosssee") ": ") (list (normalize "glossseealso") ": ") (list (normalize "important") ": ") (list (normalize "note") ": ") (list (normalize "orderedlist") ". ") (list (normalize "part") ". ") (list (normalize "procedure") ". ") (list (normalize "prefix") ". ") (list (normalize "question") " ") (list (normalize "refentry") "") (list (normalize "reference") ". ") (list (normalize "refsect1") ". ") (list (normalize "refsect2") ". ") (list (normalize "refsect3") ". ") (list (normalize "sect1") ". ") (list (normalize "sect2") ". ") (list (normalize "sect3") ". ") (list (normalize "sect4") ". ") (list (normalize "sect5") ". ") (list (normalize "section") ". ") (list (normalize "simplesect") ". ") (list (normalize "seeie") " ") (list (normalize "seealsoie") " ") (list (normalize "step") ". ") (list (normalize "table") ". ") (list (normalize "tip") ": ") (list (normalize "warning") "") )) (define (gentext-zhcn-label-title-sep gind) (let* ((giname (if (string? gind) gind (gi gind))) (name (normalize giname)) (sep (assoc name (zhcn-label-title-sep)))) (if sep (car (cdr sep)) ""))) (define (zhcn-label-number-format-list) (list (list (normalize "set") "1") (list (normalize "book") "1") (list (normalize "prefix") "1") (list (normalize "part") "I") (list (normalize "chapter") "1") (list (normalize "appendix") "A") (list (normalize "reference") "I") (list (normalize "example") "1") (list (normalize "figure") "1") (list (normalize "table") "1") (list (normalize "procedure") "1") (list (normalize "step") "1") (list (normalize "refsect1") "1") (list (normalize "refsect2") "1") (list (normalize "refsect3") "1") (list (normalize "sect1") "1") (list (normalize "sect2") "1") (list (normalize "sect3") "1") (list (normalize "sect4") "1") (list (normalize "sect5") "1") (list (normalize "section") "1") )) (define (zhcn-label-number-format gind) (let* ((giname (if (string? gind) gind (gi gind))) (name (normalize giname)) (format (assoc name (zhcn-label-number-format-list)))) (if format (car (cdr format)) "1"))) (define (zhcn-lot-title) (list (list (normalize "table") "&ListofTables;") (list (normalize "example") "&ListofExamples;") (list (normalize "figure") "&ListofFigures;") (list (normalize "equation") "&ListofEquations;") )) (define ($lot-title-zhcn$ gind) (let* ((giname (if (string? gind) gind (gi gind))) (name (normalize giname)) (title (assoc name (zhcn-lot-title)))) (if title (car (cdr title)) (let* ((msg (string-append "&ListofUnknown;: " name)) (err (node-list-error msg (current-node)))) msg)))) (define %gentext-zhcn-start-quote% (dingbat "ldquo")) (define %gentext-zhcn-end-quote% (dingbat "rdquo")) (define %gentext-zhcn-start-nested-quote% (dingbat "lsquo")) (define %gentext-zhcn-end-nested-quote% (dingbat "rsquo")) (define %gentext-zhcn-by% "&by;") ;; e.g. Copyright 1997 "by" A. Nonymous ;; Authored "by" Jane Doe (define %gentext-zhcn-edited-by% "&Editedby;") ;; "Edited by" Jane Doe (define %gentext-zhcn-revised-by% "&Revisedby;") ;; "Revised by" Jane Doe (define %gentext-zhcn-page% "") (define %gentext-zhcn-and% "∧") (define %gentext-zhcn-bibl-pages% "&Pgs;") (define %gentext-zhcn-endnotes% "&Notes;") (define %gentext-zhcn-table-endnotes% "&TableNotes;:") (define %gentext-zhcn-index-see% "&See;") (define %gentext-zhcn-index-seealso% "&SeeAlso;") (define (gentext-zhcn-nav-prev prev) (make sequence (literal "&nav-prev;"))) (define (gentext-zhcn-nav-prev-sibling prevsib) (make sequence (literal "&nav-prev-sibling;"))) (define (gentext-zhcn-nav-next-sibling nextsib) (make sequence (literal "&nav-next-sibling;"))) (define (gentext-zhcn-nav-next next) (make sequence (literal "&nav-next;"))) (define (gentext-zhcn-nav-up up) (make sequence (literal "&nav-up;"))) (define (gentext-zhcn-nav-home home) (make sequence (literal "&nav-home;"))) </style-specification-body> </style-specification> </style-sheet>
<!ENTITY Abstract "\U-6458;\U-8981;" -- GB2312 "ÕªÒª" --> <!ENTITY Answer "\U-7B54;:" -- GB2312 "´ð:" --> <!ENTITY Appendix "\U-9644;\U-5F55;" -- GB2312 "¸½Â¼" --> <!ENTITY Article "\U-6587;\U-7AE0;" -- GB2312 "ÎÄÕÂ" --> <!ENTITY Bibliography "\U-53C2;\U-8003;\U-4E66;\U-76EE;" -- GB2312 "²Î¿¼ÊéÄ¿" --> <!ENTITY Book "\U-4E66;\U-76EE;" -- GB2312 "ÊéÄ¿" --> <!ENTITY CAUTION "\U-6CE8;\U-610F;" -- GB2312 "×¢Òâ" --> <!ENTITY Caution "\U-6CE8;\U-610F;" -- GB2312 "×¢Òâ" --> <!ENTITY Chapter "\U-7AE0;" -- GB2312 "ÕÂ" --> <!ENTITY Colophon "Colophon" -- GB2312 "Colophon" --> <!ENTITY Copyright "\U-7248;\U-6743;" -- GB2312 "°æȨ" --> <!ENTITY Dedication "\U-5949;\U-732E;" -- GB2312 "·îÏ×" --> <!ENTITY Edition "\U-7248;" -- GB2312 "°æ" --> <!ENTITY Equation "\U-65B9;\U-7A0B;" -- GB2312 "·½³Ì" --> <!ENTITY Example "\U-4F8B;\U-5B50;" -- GB2312 "Àý×Ó" --> <!ENTITY Figure "\U-56FE;\U-5F62;" -- GB2312 "ͼÐÎ" --> <!ENTITY GlossSee "\U-89C1;" -- GB2312 "¼û" --> <!ENTITY GlossSeeAlso "\U-53E6;\U-89C1;" -- GB2312 "Áí¼û" --> <!ENTITY Glossary "\U-672F;\U-8BED;\U-8868;" -- GB2312 "ÊõÓï±í" --> <!ENTITY IMPORTANT "\U-91CD;\U-8981;" -- GB2312 "ÖØÒª" --> <!ENTITY ISBN "ISBN" -- GB2312 "ISBN" --> <!ENTITY Important "\U-91CD;\U-8981;" -- GB2312 "ÖØÒª" --> <!ENTITY Index "\U-7D22;\U-5F15;" -- GB2312 "Ë÷Òý" --> <!ENTITY LegalNotice "\U-6CD5;\U-5F8B;\U-5E03;\U-544A;" -- GB2312 "·¨Âɲ¼¸æ" --> <!ENTITY MsgAud "\U-8BFB;\U-8005;" -- GB2312 "¶ÁÕß" --> <!ENTITY MsgLevel "\U-96BE;\U-5EA6;" -- GB2312 "ÄѶÈ" --> <!ENTITY MsgOrig "\U-51FA;\U-5904;" -- GB2312 "³ö´¦" --> <!ENTITY NOTE "\U-6CE8;" -- GB2312 "×¢" --> <!ENTITY Note "\U-6CE8;" -- GB2312 "×¢" --> <!ENTITY Part "\U-90E8;\U-5206;" -- GB2312 "²¿·Ö" --> <!ENTITY Preface "\U-524D;\U-8A00;" -- GB2312 "Ç°ÑÔ" --> <!ENTITY Procedure "\U-8FC7;\U-7A0B;" -- GB2312 "¹ý³Ì" --> <!ENTITY Published "\U-51FA;\U-7248;" -- GB2312 "³ö°æ" --> <!ENTITY Question "\U-95EE;:" -- GB2312 "ÎÊ:" --> <!ENTITY RefEntry "" -- GB2312 "" --> <!ENTITY Reference "\U-53C2;\U-8003;" -- GB2312 "²Î¿¼" --> <!ENTITY RefName "\U-540D;\U-5B57;" -- GB2312 "Ãû×Ö" --> <!ENTITY RefSection "" -- GB2312 "" --> <!ENTITY RefSynopsisDiv "\U-5927;\U-7EB2;" -- GB2312 "´ó¸Ù" --> <!ENTITY Revision "\U-4FEE;\U-8BA2;" -- GB2312 "ÐÞ¶©" --> <!ENTITY RevHistory "\U-4FEE;\U-8BA2;\U-5386;\U-53F2;" -- GB2312 "ÐÞ¶©ÀúÊ·" --> <!ENTITY Section "\U-8282;" -- GB2312 "½Ú" --> <!ENTITY See "\U-89C1;" -- GB2312 "¼û" --> <!ENTITY SeeAlso "\U-53E6;\U-89C1;" -- GB2312 "Áí¼û" --> <!ENTITY Set "Set" -- GB2312 "Set" --> <!ENTITY SetIndex "Set Index" -- GB2312 "Set Index" --> <!ENTITY Sidebar "" -- GB2312 "" --> <!ENTITY Step "\U-6B65;\U-9AA4;" -- GB2312 "²½Öè" --> <!ENTITY TIP "\U-63D0;\U-793A;" -- GB2312 "Ìáʾ" --> <!ENTITY Table "\U-8868;\U-683C;" -- GB2312 "±í¸ñ" --> <!ENTITY Tip "\U-63D0;\U-793A;" -- GB2312 "Ìáʾ" --> <!ENTITY WARNING "\U-8B66;\U-544A;" -- GB2312 "¾¯¸æ" --> <!ENTITY Warning "\U-8B66;\U-544A;" -- GB2312 "¾¯¸æ" --> <!ENTITY appendix "\U-9644;\U-5F55;" -- GB2312 "¸½Â¼" --> <!ENTITY chapter "\U-7AE0;" -- GB2312 "ÕÂ" --> <!ENTITY section "\U-8282;" -- GB2312 "½Ú" --> <!ENTITY sidebar "sidebar" -- GB2312 "sidebar" --> <!ENTITY step "\U-6B65;\U-9AA4;" -- GB2312 "²½Öè" --> <!ENTITY Seealso "\U-53E6;\U-89C1;" -- GB2312 "Áí¼û" --> <!ENTITY TableofContents "\U-76EE;\U-5F55;" -- GB2312 "Ŀ¼" --> <!ENTITY in "\U-5728;" -- GB2312 "ÔÚ" --> <!ENTITY by "\U-7531;" -- GB2312 "ÓÉ" --> <!ENTITY Edited "\U-7F16;\U-8F91;" -- GB2312 "±à¼­" --> <!ENTITY Editedby "\U-7F16;\U-8F91;" -- GB2312 "±à¼­" --> <!ENTITY and "\U-548C;" -- GB2312 "ºÍ" --> <!ENTITY Notes "\U-6CE8;" -- GB2312 "×¢" --> <!ENTITY TableNotes "\U-6CE8;" -- GB2312 "×¢" --> <!ENTITY nonexistantelement "\U-4E0D;\U-5B58;\U-5728;\U-7684;\U-5143;\U-7D20;" -- GB2312 "²»´æÔÚµÄÔªËØ" --> <!ENTITY Pgs "\U-9875;" -- GB2312 "Ò³" --> <!ENTITY unsupported "\U-4E0D;\U-652F;\U-6301;" -- GB2312 "²»Ö§³Ö" --> <!ENTITY xrefto "\U-53C2;\U-7167;" -- GB2312 "²ÎÕÕ" --> <!ENTITY unexpectedelementname "\U-672A;\U-9884;\U-6599;\U-5230;\U-7684;\U-5143;\U-7D20;\U-540D;" -- GB2312 "δԤÁϵ½µÄÔªËØÃû" --> <!ENTITY Revisedby "\U-4FEE;\U-8BA2;" -- GB2312 "ÐÞ¶©" --> <!ENTITY ListofTables "\U-8868;\U-683C;\U-5217;\U-8868;" -- GB2312 "±í¸ñÁбí" --> <!ENTITY ListofExamples "\U-793A;\U-4F8B;\U-5217;\U-8868;" -- GB2312 "ʾÀýÁбí" --> <!ENTITY ListofFigures "\U-56FE;\U-5F62;\U-5217;\U-8868;" -- GB2312 "ͼÐÎÁбí" --> <!ENTITY ListofEquations "\U-65B9;\U-7A0B;\U-5F0F;\U-5217;\U-8868;" -- GB2312 "·½³ÌʽÁбí" --> <!ENTITY ListofUnknown "\U-5176;\U-4ED6;\U-5185;\U-5BB9;\U-5217;\U-8868;" -- GB2312 "ÆäËûÄÚÈÝÁбí" --> <!ENTITY nav-prev "\U-540E;\U-9000;" -- GB2312 "ºóÍË" --> <!ENTITY nav-prev-sibling "\U-5FEB;\U-901F;\U-540E;\U-9000;" -- GB2312 "¿ìËÙºóÍË" --> <!ENTITY nav-next-sibling "\U-5FEB;\U-901F;\U-524D;\U-8FDB;" -- GB2312 "¿ìËÙÇ°½ø" --> <!ENTITY nav-next "\U-524D;\U-8FDB;" -- GB2312 "Ç°½ø" --> <!ENTITY nav-up "\U-4E0A;\U-4E00;\U-7EA7;" -- GB2312 "ÉÏÒ»¼¶" --> <!ENTITY nav-home "\U-8D77;\U-70B9;" -- GB2312 "Æðµã" -->
--- Laurent POINTAL - CNRS/LURE - Service Informatique Experiences Tel/fax: 01 64 46 82 80 / 01 64 46 41 48 email : pointal@lure.u-psud.fr ou lpointal@planete.net
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