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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Yahoo-style nav? (was: toc in sect1)
> / Claus Rasmussen <claus@arsdigita.com> was heard to say: > | Now, I would love to have toc's in every sect1 > (Untested, but I think this'll work) > > Create a customization layer that contains: > > (define (section-element-list) > (list (normalize "section") > (normalize "sect1") > (normalize "simplesect"))) > > (define ($section-toc$) > ;; Called by the TITLE element so that it can come after the TITLE > (build-toc (ancestor-member (current-node) (section-element-list)) > (toc-depth > (ancestor-member (current-node) (section-element-list))) > #t)) > > (define ($section-body$) > (make element gi: "DIV" > attributes: (list (list "CLASS" (gi))) > ($section-separator$) > ($section-title$) > ($section-toc$) > (process-children))) > > Let me know if that doesn't work... Norman, this rocks out very well. I added the (define ($section-toc$)-part and just the line "($section-toc$)" between ($section-title$) and (process-children) ... I'm no scheme hacker though.. Anyway, here's another question for you: I'm sure that a lot of people would be interested in adding yahoo-style breadcrum navigation to their books (or at least I would). Has anyone already looked into such a thing? Best Claus
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