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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: FO extension for bookmarks - update

Eric Richardson wrote:
> Hi,
> Is this feature currently supported or will it be in the next release of
> the style sheets? Forgive me if this has already been discussed.
> >
> > FOP 0.17 was the first version to include this feature. It's documented at
> > http://xml.apache.org/fop/extensions.html
> >

Yes, replying to my own message.

Stephane Bline <stephane.bline@peregrine.com> from the FOP list has
submitted to Norm some code that does bookmarks as an extension. It does
seem to work although it doesn't support articles which I was using. I
can forward the instructions and stylesheet along if someone is
interested. I don't think they integrate that well with the style of the
docbook stylesheets but as I'm just learning XSLT then who am I to say.

It would be great if someone good at XSLT would fix them up a bit so it
could be included with the main stylesheets.

Can't remember if I'm allowed to add attachments to this list.

Eric :-)

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