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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Problem generating slides (was Re: The slidesdoctype - XSL-FO output)


> I installed Norm's 1.39 XSL stylesheets, and then downloaded the slides 1.1
> doctype and tried to process the 'test.xml' file found in the directory.

Thanks for the messages and suggestions.  It turned out to be a Xalan vs.
Saxon thing.  Xalan 1.2.2 choked on processing slides.xsl as I mentioned in
my last message, but Saxon 6.2.2 worked fine.  The slides come out fine.
So with that processing, I'm all set.

Now I just have to figure out how Norm got all the affiliation info and 
talk info on the title page like he did on 
(and the copyright in the footnotes)

Guess I'll have to explore the DTD and XSL file... but hey, at least I can
generate slides from DocBook instead of using StarOffice!  Way too cool!


P.S. Thanks, Rafael, for the pointers to your XML files for slides... they
were very helpful.

Dan York, Director of Training        dyork@e-smith.com
Ph: +1-613-751-4401  Mobile: +1-613-263-4312 Fax: +1-613-564-7739 
e-smith, inc. 150 Metcalfe St., Suite 1500, Ottawa,ON K2P 1P1 Canada
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