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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Problem generating slides (was Re: The slidesdoctype - XSL-FO output)

On Thu, 7 Jun 2001, Dan York wrote:

> P.S. Thanks, Rafael, for the pointers to your XML files for slides... they
> were very helpful.

You're very much welcome!  I'm glad to see that other people out there are
willing to make a few sacrifices in the name of free software!  It may be
harder to use than PowerPoint but at least a lot of the fluff involved in
such presentations has gone away.  Now, I don't need to copy files to the
machines I do presentations on, just need to upload it to my webserver and
presto...perfectly portable presentations anywhere with a web browser and
an internet connection.  :)

I've been studying XSLT right now (many thanks to Norm's tutorial...he's a
great guy!), and it's easier than I thought it'd be.  Maybe I'll try to
customize the slides once I'm a bit more confident that I understand how
XSLT works.  I'll share my experiences with you if you wish.

Rafael R. Sevilla <sevillar@team.ph.inter.net>   +63(2)   8177746 ext. 8311
Programmer, InterdotNet Philippines              +63(917) 4458925

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