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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Problem generating slides (was Re: The slidesdoctype - XSL-FO output)

On Thu, 7 Jun 2001, Dan York wrote:

>   2. Rafael privately sent me the URL for a page where he has the XML
>      for his presentations.  Since it was a private message I am
>      uncomfortable forwarding it to the list...   but we may be able
>      to get him to share it here on the list.  :-)

Heck, it's my home page!  The URL is:


You can go visit the document root if you like, just be warned, the page
is under construction and there are still a fair number of dead links.
I've been kinda busy with work and haven't had time to update it. :(

If you like, sign my guestbook.  At least I *think* that bit of Perl-CGI

Rafael R. Sevilla <sevillar@team.ph.inter.net>   +63(2)   8177746 ext. 8311
Programmer, InterdotNet Philippines              +63(917) 4458925

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