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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: docbook vs chunk

(sorry to the moderator. I had send this email to the wrong list.)


when using docbook xsl sheets docbook.xsl creates one large file including
TOCs in it. When using chunk.xsl it splits it up but there are no TOCs. Is
this still under development or do I have to create this myself?

java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -IN file.xml -XSL
..\emacs\sgml\stylesheets\docbook-xsl-1.39\html\docbook.xsl -OUT

java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -IN file.xml -XSL

Also when using chunk the first section (sect1) of a chapter does not appear
in the "headline".

      <title>Chapter Title</title>
	<title>Section Title 1</title>
	<title>Section Title 2</title>

ch01.html		Chapter 1. Chapter Title

ch01s02.html:  	Section Title 2
			Chapter 1. Chapter Title


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