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docbook-apps message

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Subject: RE: DOCBOOK-APPS: Slightly OT: Editor Encoding Issues

Peter Ring writes:
 > I wonder if the tei-emacs package on the TEI software site contains patches
 > to emacs and psgml besides what is contained in Otfried Cheong's oc-unicode
 > package?

yes, it does. critically, it checks the encoding declaration in XML
files. there are other small additions and configurations. it builds
on top of oc-unicode.

 > BTW, the package that can be downloaded from
 > http://www.cs.uu.nl/~otfried/Mule/, oc-unicode-0.72.2.tar.gz, contains a
 > copy of Mule-UCS-0.72. There's a newer version of Mule-USC available,
 > ftp://ftp.m17n.org/pub/mule/Mule-UCS/Mule-UCS-0.84.tar.gz; I have not tried
 > it and can't make any recommendations.

I'd be very happy if someone showed how to use Mule-UCS 0.84 with


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