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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Typesetting Mathematics with DocBook

 > I guess the only way to go as far as this is concerned is to use
 > PassiveTeX and MathML.  After about five years of working with LaTeX I
 > find MathML's syntax positively atrocious, and the worst part of it is
 > that <equation/> blocks are formatted pretty bizarre by PassiveTeX.  With

its a rather unfinished setup, I am afraid. since I dont do math
myself, I hope someone else will work on it.

 > And in addition, is there a way of adding numbering to the equations and
 > then using <xref/> to refer to these numbered equations?

thats one of the things I started to look at about a year ago, and
gave up on in depression.... sorry. volunteers very welcome.

 > And finally, how do I get the MathML DTD parsed by my DocBook document?
 > Entities like &InvisibleTimes; defined there cause errors when I try to
 > use them.
I thought Norm W had showed somewhere how to do this?


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