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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: stylesheet support for new OASIS releases?

Hi Norm,

I'm in the process of packaging the new OASIS releases of the MathML,
HTML Forms, and EBNF DTDs for Debian. For the sake of dependencies,
READMEs, etc., I'm wondering if the XSL stylesheets (V1.40) provide
any kind of support for the new elements these DTDs
introduce. (Ugh--that was supposed to be a question. me sleep now

I'm not even sure what stylesheets support might mean for EBNF, since
I haven't looked at the DTD. And I understand that MathML can be
processed a zillion ways...

All I really need is some kind of snippet to provide users with
realistic expectations of what they might/might not do with these
three schema. (Zero documentation at the OASIS page.)

Thanks a bunch!


Mark Johnson
Duke Physics        <mark@duke.edu>
Debian SGML         <mrj@debian.org>
Home Page:          <http://dulug.duke.edu/~mark/>
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