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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Help with a small customization at <ulink> on HTMLstylesheets.
Hi! I'm trying to add a 'target' attribute to element ulink in HTML stylesheets. Norm's originals are as follow: ,---- | (element ulink | (make element gi: "A" | attributes: (list | (list "HREF" (attribute-string (normalize "url"))) | (list "TARGET" "_top")) | (if (node-list-empty? (children (current-node))) | (literal (attribute-string (normalize "url"))) | (process-children)))) `---- And my customization is: ,---- | (element ulink | (make element gi: "A" | attributes: (list | (list "HREF" (attribute-string (normalize "url"))) | (list "TARGET" (attribute-string (normalize "target")))) | (if (node-list-empty? (children (current-node))) | (literal (attribute-string (normalize "url"))) | (process-children)))) `---- But, with that, I get the following error message (once for each occorrence of <ulink>): /usr/bin/openjade:/usr/share/sgml/conectiva-dbk-sgml/3.0/supdesenv/supdesenv-html.dsl:181:13:E: invalid value for "attributes" characteristic Line 181 is the one with 'attributes:'... Any hint? I'd also have some clue on how to default to '_top' if the target attribute isn't defined. Thanks! -- Godoy. <godoy@conectiva.com> Suporte à Rede Conectiva de Serviços -- Conectiva Services Network Support Conectiva S.A - www.conectiva.com.br - +55 (41) 360-2600 Conectiva Inc. - www.conectiva.com - +55 (41) 360-2600
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