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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: XSLT-process - new emacs minor mode avail

Jeffrey_Franks@i-o.com writes:

> Norm gave me permission to post this here since it's in scope and may be of use
> to some of us. This was originally posted to the xml apache list server.
> --- Jeffrey L. Franks
> XSLT-process is a minor mode for GNU Emacs/XEmacs which transforms it
> into a powerful editor with XSLT processing and debugging
> capabilities. With this mode you can: [...]

Paul Kinnucan says he may integrate XSLT-process into the XAE
<http://xae.sunsite.dk>, his single-zip-file-that-works-out-of-the-box,
works-on-any-platform packaging of PSGML, DocBook DTD, DocBook XSL
stylesheets, and XLST engine (currently Saxon only). See:


So if you're a current or potential XAE user and think it would be
good for the XAE to include XSLT-process, send a note to the XAE list
or to Paul <pkinnucan@mediaone.net> so he can find out if there's
enough interest to justify going ahead with it

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