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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Help with a small customization at <ulink> on HTMLstylesheets.

On Wed, 20 Jun 2001, ndw@nwalsh.com wrote:
> / Jorge Luiz Godoy Filho <godoy@conectiva.com> was heard to say:
>| I'd also have some clue on how to default to '_top' if the target
>| attribute isn't defined.
> That's the problem. When target isn't specified, you get a list that
> contains a non-string and that's not legal in attributes:

I see. I haven't thought about that. Thanks. Now I understando what
was going wrong :-)) 

> (I assume you modified the DTD to allow the target attribute on
> ulink?)

(Yes I had done that, thanks for the reminder)

> Try something like this:

Thank you very much! It worked as expected! :-)))

Godoy. <godoy@conectiva.com>

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