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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Q. DocBook and PSGML using split document

On Mon, Jun 18, 2001 at 06:56:18PM +0200, Holger Rauch wrote:

> Now SGML->Validate does not work anymore. It complains about the missing
> DOCTYPE declaration.

I just went through this too. nsgmls should work in the top level 'parent'
document if the local variable 'sgml-parent-document' is set correctly in
each 'child'.

>How do I tell nsgmls about the "userguide.ced" file?

AFAIK nsgmls does not speak '*.ced'; that is a psgml creature. nsgmls needs
to know what dtd is being used. Since psgml will load the parent when you
load a child (with sgml-parent-document set), just switch buffers in the
editor to the parent and run your normal nsgmls validation routine.

You can pass the dtd to nsgmls on its command line, but it's a little
tricky. See the recent thread concerning this on debian-sgml, noting well my
blunders! <g>:


Bob Bernstein
Esmond, R.I., USA

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