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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Q) newbie to docbook and chunking
On Thu, 21 Jun 2001, Rafael R. Sevilla wrote: > (standard TeX installations that come with the Linux distros I use > don't work very well...I had to get the 250 meg TeXLive ISO to do > it!). Trying to head off a bad-rap-in-the-making... I haven't had any problems in years with the teTeX that comes with (Red Hat) Linux. Of course, it doesn't have all the macros one needs, but that's to be expected: the last TeXLive distro came on 3 CDs! I use twenty or so packages, PSTricks, Seminar, several Adobe Type 1 fonts, etc. The only thing I did was rebuild `initex' to have larger default values for memory. I'm also using a stock teTeX distribution to for my DocBook print (currently with DSSSL). Again, it's worked flawlessly. So, what problems have you had, other than those due to not reading the documentation or to operator error? -- Vladimir
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