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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: pdf output
I am having a problem creating the correct pdf
output. I am using Jade
to create a fot file from my sgml file and then I am using fot2pdf to create my pdf file. In order for the print stylesheet to work I have added the following file inside the docbook/print directory. <!DOCTYPE style-sheet PUBLIC "-//James Clark//DTD DSSSL Style Sheet//EN" [ <!ENTITY dbstyle SYSTEM "docbook.dsl" CDATA DSSSL> ]> <style-sheet> <style-specification use="docbook"> <style-specification-body> (root (make simple-page-sequence (make scroll))) (element p (make paragraph)) </style-specification-body> </style-specification> <external-specification id="docbook" document="dbstyle"> </style-sheet> This seems to work when I run docbook.dsl from the print stylesheet with my sgml file. The only problem is that I have a lot of places where I use the <screen> tag since I need to show the exact computer output. When I convert my sgml file to html by using jade everything looks great. However, when I convert my same sgml file to fot and then to pdf I can't get it to recognize the line breaks and it looks terrible. Do I need to add something to the stylesheet? Please help! |
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