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Subject: tetex and PassiveTeX in Red Hat (was Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: html cosmetics)

>>>>> "TW" == Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> writes:

TW> On Sun, Dec 09, 2001 at 06:10:54PM -0600, G.L. Grobe wrote:
>> Is there a simple example that does this posted anywhere's.

TW> I just added this to the Selfdocbook:

TW> <http://cyberelk.net/tim/docbook/selfdocbook/>
TW> <http://cyberelk.net/tim/docbook/selfdocbookx/> (XML edition)


On this very subject, I'm working through getting a working
XSL/FO/PassiveTex setup working on my Red Hat 7.2 system, and
following the instructions above in "Chapter 2. Tools", it lists the
following dependencies available in Raw Hide:

      libxml2 (at least 2.4.6-1)
      sgml-common and xml-common (at least 0.6.3-3)
      tetex (at least 1.0.7-35)
      passivetex (at least 1.11-1)
      docbook-style-xsl (at least 1.47-1)

All well and good, and I'm used to getting packages from Raw Hide, and
it's not normally a problem, but unfortunately tetex-1.0.7-35 is now
gone! (all of the other packages install fine).  Again, not normally a
problem (after all it says "at least 1.0.7-35"), so it's been replaced
with 1.0.7-38, which again would be all fine and good, except that
it's been compiled with the new GCC (as noted in the changelog of Dec

tetex now depends on libstdc++.so.4 and refuses to install on a Red
Hat 7.2 system, and it now looks like all the packages in Raw Hide
have/or are beginning to switch to using GCC 3.[01], and this means
that in order to install tetex I'd need to replace my entire GCC
toolchain and upgrade the compat-gcc packages (which are now "compat"
for 7.2 and gcc-2.96, not 6.2), and then the applications which
depended on having compat- packages for 6.2 (the old egcs branch of
GCC) would break...arggh... and then I'm in dependency hell!!

So is there any way to smoothly install the necessary tools to use the
XSL/FO/PassiveTex toolchain short of wholesale committing to the
entire (unstable) distro of Raw Hide?  

(I know I could probably download the SRPM for tetex and recompile
against the old gcc, but the SRPM alone is about 60Mb and it seems
overkill to do this to install a few patches against tetex, which are
effectively just the changes from tetex- [what's distributed
with RH 7.2] to tetex-1.0.7-38.  It would also be nice to be able to
upgrade the binary without having to fiddle around manually with the
".cnf" files in tetex, which are just completely opaque to me [not
being a great TeX-pert].)


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