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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: BibTex 2 DocBook

Hi all,

last week someone asked about a BibTex 2 DocBook convertor...
I mentioned JReferences [1], which can parse DocBook formated references
into MySQL with a webinterface for browsing. I plan to have it store the
database into a binary file as well, but basically the DocBook formatted files
are my file database. 

Anyway, I found a util [2,3] that converts BibTex into BibTeXML... the latter 
should be easy to convert to DocBook XML 4.1.2... for which I plan to write
a stylesheet...


1. http://sourceforge.net/projects/jreferences/
2. http://www.bitjungle.com/~bibtex/
3. http://carol.wins.uva.nl/~zegerh/bibteXML/

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