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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Again: Apache FOP,Docbook: Features / Versions,"complete" Docbook distribution

1/14/02 10:02:14 AM, Alexander Schatten <alasan@gmx.net> wrote:
>I am rather stubborn and want to get the thing running; but as I 
>mentioned before: 98 to 99% of all others take a look at for example 
>docbook; play around for an hour, dont get the stuff running, and (this 
>is the main point and danger!!) never come back, because the say: "this 
>is much too complex and does not work".
I can't speak for others, but in the last 9 days I have spent over 70
hours trying to get SOME sort of DocBook solution running on my
Windoz machine or on a Solaris machine.  So far I can only get
XML --> HTML....PDF and other formats still eludes me.  Several of
you have helped, and I really appreciate that.  The point is, some of
us, no matter how stubborn, still can't get this "dog to hunt!"  

I teach CIS, have 13 years in industry b4 academe, and still
have serious problems...

M $.02
>again my suggestion: If anyone of the experts would help me solving my 
>problems as described in the previous mail, I would try to put together 
>in installation and setup tutorial. what else could I do?


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