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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: editing XML with vi clones (Re: "Abbreviated"DocBook)

> (As a matter of fact, I keep struggling with the idea of writing yet 
> another vi clone that has the mode/programming capabilities of Emacs, 
> and the efficiency of a vi-style command language.  Oh, and the behavior 
> of its command language would be *consistent*, which is a word Bill Joy 
> apparently didn't know very well, when he wrote it.)

If it's any use, I've got some mods to the stock docbk.vim syntax file that 
adds some additional highlighting to docbook files, making them more 
pleasant to work with. I also find setting tabsize and such to 2 better, 
but that's personal preference.

You can get a sort of completion using Ctrl-p after typing a couple of 
chars of a word; keep pressing Ctrl-p and you'll cycle through all possible 
completions based on the contents of the current file. See the help for 
"completion" and "dictionary". I've not tried getting completion on tags to 
work, but I may do so now...


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