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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Bibliography management/BibTex equivalent
/ Bernd Kreimeier <bk@oddworld.com> was heard to say: | I do not want to rely on the bibliomixed etc. "cooked" elements | as they seem to be a procedural markup fallback for breakdown of | biblioentry? The problem with biblioentry (for me :-) is that it's impossible to design an "out of the box" stylesheet that would do the right thing for every possible bag of markup. If you have a strictly mandated house style for bibliographic data, you can probably write stylesheets to do the right thing. | render in conformance with standard citation styles. Has a | DocBook module with BibTex-equivalent elements been discussed | and rejected? Nope. If you can propose one, please feel free (on docbook, not docbook-apps). Be seeing you, norm -- Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | 'I have done that,' says my http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | memory. 'I cannot have done Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | that'--says my pride, and remains | adamant. At last--memory | yields.--Nietzsche
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