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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Announcement: DocBook Doclet 0.25


I want to announce DocBook Doclet 0.25. The DocBookDoclet creates DocBook SGML 
3.1 or 4.1 and XML 4.1.2 code from Java source documentation. It is helpful 
if you want to print reference handbooks of your API. 

For more information, see



This release enables the DocBookDoclet to run as standalone
application. It can be used to convert a HTML file to a DocBook
file (sometimes :-)).

Support for the tags font and menu.

Fix: Img tag inside of a tags produced invalid DocBook source. 

The transformation of the dl tag produced a title element
"Descriptions". You can control the creation of this title now via the 
attribute title of the dl tag. 

Experimental support for nested tables via the entrytbl tag. Only one level of 
nesting is possible! 

A new properity suppress-book-tag was introduced. If this property is set no 
book and no bookinfo tags are created. The resulting SGML code will contain 
only the chapter tags, which makes it easier to embed the created SGML code 
into superior documentation.
Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Michael Fuchs
Tel. (0 89) 18 95 96 52
Fax. (0 89) 18 95 96 53
Mobil 0150 55 4000 55
EMail mfuchs@unico-consulting.com

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