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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Newbie trouble with output of 'section'-separatedHTML-files


I hope this question isn't to silly, but I haven't come across the answer
reading the documentations so far. :-(

O.k., I've written an xml-file using 'DocBook'-syntax with the following
(simplyfied) structure:


When I transform the file using the 'DocBook xsl-stylesheets for HTML' I get
a long/large document. So far so good.

Now I would rather like to transform the file into separate HTML-files, each
file representing a section (sec1 - sectn).

Do I have to write my own xsl-stylesheet or is there allready a possibility
to set an attribute or something in my xml-file within the 'sect1'-elements
or so, which will lead to the desired success when using 'DocBook xsl
1.50.0' to transform it?

As I'm quite new to the whole thing (xml/xslt and DocBook) any hints are
highly apreceated.

Thanks in advance

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