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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: change header in glossary xsl fo

Bob Stayton wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 12:02:19AM +0200, zope-mailinglist wrote:
>>i think i understood something wrong, hm
>>i try to customize the header in my glossary, because for some reason, 
>>the title of the last chapter of my book is in there ?!
>>seems to be a bug i think, normally the title of the glossary should 
>>appear in the header of a glossary, right?
>>for testing it i put this in my custom.xsl:
>><xsl:template match="glossary" mode="running.head.mode">
>><xsl:text>hello the running head</xsl:text>
>>but this has no effect on the pdf output
> That's not surprising since the running.head.mode 
> outputs the proper <fo:> tags around the text to
> get it to appear in the running head.
> The running.head.mode outputs only chapter or appendix
> information in the current 1.51.1 fo stylesheets.  If your
> glossary is a separate element following your last chapter
> (not inside the chapter), then it should have no running head at all.
> If it does, then that's a fo processor bug.
> If your glossary element is inside your last chapter
> element, then that explains why the running head is for the
> last chapter.
> Assuming you put your glossary as a sibling element
> after your last chapter, you still want the running head to show.
> It looks like adding the glossary to the list of
> elements with a running head is not that simple.
> You'd have to copy the entire template
> <xsl:template match="chapter|appendix" mode="running.head.mode">
> from pagesetup.xsl to your customization file and then
> change the match to "glossary", or perhaps to
> "chaper|appendix|glossary" if you plan further
> customizations of all the running heads.
> The reason the template is so long is that it outputs
> the <fo:static-content> elements and handles
> the left/right/center alignment based on the
> master page type.
> Or you could file an RFE on the DocBook SourceForge site
> to request that change for the next distribution.  8^)

thanks for the fast response

 > If your glossary element is inside your last chapter
 > element, then that explains why the running head is for the
 > last chapter.

i also thought that this is the case, but it's a sibling

do you have any suggestions about whats the best docbook xml to pdf 
method? either on  win32 or unix

i'm nearly finished with writing my thesis and can't get a proper pdf output

i tried fop before, but there are other issues, regarding vector images
fop seems to be unable to handle advanced svg drawings created with 


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