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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: "The tbook system for XML Authoring"

A few days ago (2002-02-11) Torsten Bronger announced his "tbook system for
XML authoring" in de.comp.text.tex which might IMO be interesting for some 
people on this list:

The tbook system for XML Authoring

Main Goals

An XML DTD that is sufficient for demanding, especially scientific, texts, 
but it should also be as simple and small as possible, and use similar 
names as LaTeX.  Supported LaTeX classes: book, article and letter.

The tools that are necessary for realising this DTD.

It should work with formulas, graphics, tables, (all three with numbering) 
bibliography, and index.  Tools that have proven their efficiency with 
LaTeX (BibTeX, xindy etc.) should also be usable with tbook.

It should produce at least HTML and PS/PDF output.  
(It can now also produce DocBook XML files.)

The print output must cater high typographic demands, using high level 
LaTeX typesetting mechanisms. This includes high quality graphics and 
their labelling. Additionally, it should produce small PDFs.


Homepage: http://tbookdtd.sourceforge.net/

office:  michael.wiedmann@detewe.de
private: mw@miwie.in-berlin.de                 http://www.miwie.org/

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