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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: docbookXML conversion utility - looking for beta sites

Hi everyone,

While scanning the DocBook world, it seems that there is a lot of attention
paid to how to take content in docbook and to transform it into other
formats - text, HTML, PDF, etc., but not so much the other way around.

We're looking for people who want to convert existing content (PDF files,
word files, text files, HTML files) into DocBook but don't want to do it
manually and who don't already have appropriate tags on the content.   As an
example, we could feed the HTML pages of norman's on-line docbook book and
come out with well-formed, valid, and MEANINGFUL docbookXML for each of the

Our company's upcoming product is a tool for converting unstructured content
into "meaningful XML" and docbookXML is one of the first standards we're
targeting.  The tool can be used for any XML output format - HR-XML, etc.,
but we want to include docBook templates to make it very easy.

We're looking for people who would be interested in beta testing the
software against real content.  If you're familiar with the challenges of
doing this type of conversion and have content you'd like to convert, we'd
really like to get your feedback.  Please email me at:
riz@xyztechnologies.com if you're interested.


Riz Virk, (617) 905-3518
riz@xyztechnologies.com, riz@alum.mit.edu

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