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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Yet more confusion over strings and objects in Lisp.
> I'm not sure "correct Lisp code" means but you can shorten list > expressions by using quasiquotation. > > (make element gi: "DIV" > attributes: '(("CLASS" "NAVHEADER")) > (nav-context elemnode) > (if (string=? (nav-context elemnode) "") (empty-sosofo) > (make empty-element gi: "HR" > attributes: `(("ALIGN" "LEFT") ("WIDTH" ,%gentext-nav-tblwidth%))))) I'm sorry. Perhaps my earlier question got lost. By "correct Lisp code" I mean that the above block does not work. As I mentioned before, the problem is the: (if (string=? (nav-context elemnode) "") part. (nav-context elemnode) returns an object, not a string. So how do I compare it against ""? I'm sure there must be a way, but I have no idea. The only other similar comparison I know is node-list- empty? and that doesn't seem to work either. Does anyone know how to compare whether (nav-context elemnode) will return text? Gre7g. ================================================================= Gre7g Luterman gre7g@wolfhome.com http://www.templeofluna.com/ Stay informed: http://www.templeofluna.com/keeper/mailinglist.htm Into each wound, a little salt must fall...
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