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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Yet more confusion over strings and objects in Lisp.

On 6/25/02 2:12, "Gre7g Luterman" <gre7g@wolfhome.com> wrote:
> I'm sorry.  Perhaps my earlier question got lost.  By "correct Lisp
> code" I mean that the above block does not work.

Oops, I'm sorry.

> As I mentioned 
> before, the problem is the:
> (if (string=? (nav-context elemnode) "")
> part.  (nav-context elemnode) returns an object, not a string.  So
> how do I compare it against ""?  I'm sure there must be a way, but I
> have no idea.  The only other similar comparison I know is node-list-
> empty? and that doesn't seem to work either.
> Does anyone know how to compare whether (nav-context elemnode) will
> return text?

Sorry again. I'm not sure what you really want to do.  Do you really want a
sosofo here?

(if (nav-context? elemnode)

doesn't suffice?

  Kogulé, Ryo

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