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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: XInclude doesn't validate with xmllint

On Sun, 01 Dec 2002 21:07:45 -0800
Bob Stayton <bobs@caldera.com> wrote:


> It isn't that we (the DocBook Technical Committee) don't
> want to add an xinclude element, or that we think it is 
> not needed.  It would be easy to add an xinclude
> element to the DTD.  But that isn't enough, because
> the xinclude element must appear
> in content models for it to be useful.
> The problem is that it is hard to write the content models
> for all cases of possible xinclude usage.  An xinclude can
> replace just about any content, including required
> elements.  That means just about every part of each
> element's content model needs to change "somestuff"
> to "(somestuff | xinclude )".  

IMHO, no - document should be valid _after_ xinclude processing,
so DTD must not have support for <xi:include/>.

DocBook DTD doesn't support 'xml:base' attribute from XInclude.

Yes, this attribute appear to content model, and useful for many
of included documents - 'xml:base' could be useful for getting
uniq values of 'id', uniq names of images in <graphics> in the
all set of documents.

Now DocBook DTD and stylesheets not have full support of modular

PS Sorry for bad English


Regards, Vyt
mailto:  vyt@vzljot.ru
JID:     vyt@vzljot.ru

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