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Subject: Re: DB XSL 1.62.x PDF text narrower than with 1.60.1?

>>>>> Bob Stayton <bobs@sco.com>:

> Prior to 1.62.x, the page margins were being set incorrectly to
> compensate for the outdented section titles.  This meant the titles
> were being pushed into the margin too close to the page edge.
> Version 1.62.x corrects those margins, but in the process narrowed
> the body text lines.

Right.  I looked at the same document processed both ways, side by
side.  And the PDF formatted by 1.62.x looks a lot better than the PDF
formatted in the style of 1.60.1.

A problem with the new style, is that I got some tables containing
URLs that got so narrow, that the URLs started breaking in the wrong

I can't shorten the URLs, and the font's small enough as it is... I
don't know what to do about this... hm.

> If you want the same line lengths as before, then set the
> title.margin.left parameter to '0pt'.


- Steinar

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