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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Re: Soft line breaks in XSL:FO output

> I tried inserting &#200b at the points where I wanted the URLs to be
> broken, but that didn't give me the desired results.  I got
>  http://                   some-
>  machine/path/to/somewhere
> when the result I was hoping for, was:
>  http://                   
>  somemachine/path/to/somewhere
> (I didn't spot the bit about turning hyphenation off, in your message.
> Perhaps that would have fixed it?)

The question is FOP-specific, and will probably find it's answer on a FOP list.
This is a bug in FOP, treating zero-width space as a non-zero-width space. With
regard to hyphenation, I don't know how to do it in DocBook, but there is XSL FO
attribute 'hyphenate' that should be used to switch it off. But again, I suspect
that won't affect the way FOP handles dashes and zero-width spaces. 

David Tolpin

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