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Subject: Wondering why draft.png image is inserted in fo but not displayed (nor did I ask for the image)

Hi All,

I use xsltproc to generate a resolved and profiled docbook xml file
(using docbook-profile.xsl, options --xinclude and --param.os ="linux").
This works fine. When I check the resolved xml file there is nowhere any
attribute status="draft". When I proces this xml file to a fo file,
again with xsltproc, and process further to pdf with FOP I get a nice
pdf file WITHOUT any watermarks.
I did check when I mark a chapter status="draft" and put in the
customization file (which is very simple only params are set e.g.
paper.type etc.) draft.mode parameter to maybe I do get the chapter
marked draft. When i explicitly set parameter draft.mode to no the image
url is NOT inserted in the fo file.

Does anybody know why the url to the unused draft images is in the fo
file and FOP looks for them over the network? It took me a while to
figure out why my docbook wouldn't compile to PDF at home (not
networked) but would in the office.

In the mean time I do know now I can set draft.watermark.image parameter
to a local file. But still, curious, is this meant to be so?

Maarten Sanders

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